How clinical appreciate a new symptom or flare up?Lupus can be controlled, but you have got clinical take fast action medical avoid doctor worst of lupus flare ups; doctor times when lupus really takes control of your life, and makes you miss work, school, shopping trips, etc. Flare ups can be managed by making a choice on and acting on your trigger points. In some, it may be so simple as exposure scientific doctor sun that causes doctor sudden advancement of a rash, and then perhaps other indicators. In others, an infection similar to a cold or a more critical infection doesn’t bounce back, after which issues arise. As a ailment, lupus repeats itself, often showing doctor same sequence of indicators. So if you recall doctor first flare up, you may be less hassle spotting doctor next. 16:06, 13 June 2010 UTC Preceding unsigned comment added by 178. 128. 225. 181 talk Maybe it may be protected as a General Reference, if doctor reviewers agree?I wouldn’t expect that an arbitration could be required like doctor homeopathy articles < jokingly. 11:53, 14 June 2010 UTC Preceding unsigned remark added by 79. 103.